Seville will be the headquarters of the next Congress annual of the EAIE (Association European for the education international) from the 12th to the 15th of September of 2017.
EAIE, is a non-profit organization founded in 1989, which is recognized for its expertise in networks and resources in the internationalization of higher education.
29th Annual Conference of the EAIE in Seville
The celebration of the same in it capital Seville, is a great opportunity and an occasion only to give to know them ten universities Andalusian e boost the internationalization of it education top of Andalusia.
The event will be held at FIBES (Seville) and under the theme "A mosaic of cultures", what is intended is invited to participate actively in advancing the field of international education, all of which are made through a combination of training, conferences and the acquisition and exchange of knowledge because it is from this wide variety of ideas When emerging best practices.
That is why, like the own mosaics of Seville, which is created in the process is much more interesting than the sum of its parts.
Here are the most relevant dates, for those interested in taking part in the event:
November 3: call for proposals (deadline).
24 May: opening of online registration.
28 of June: date limit for registration early.
24 August: end of online registration.
12-15 September: 29th Annual Conference of the EAIE.
Do not hesitate and book your stay with us to attend the event. What are you waiting for?
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