Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Revolver returns to Seville in March 2015

The Spanish group, Revolver, will be in Seville again this March 2015. A month earlier, and more specifically the February 10, goes on sale the publication of his new album, Babylon, from which we can enjoy with his arrival in our city . All this excitement is due to the four years that the group has been absent in the national music scene. The date and place chosen for this very expected event are March 20, at 22:00 in the New Auditorium of the Congress and Exhibition Palace in Seville (Fibes)

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Tricicle in the Lope de Vega theater of Seville

From 3 to 7 and 10 to 14 June 2015 Tricicle Theatre Company perform at the Lope de Vega theater of Seville. Tricicle is a physical theater company, where humor is the foundation of all his shows. Compose three actors-founders: Joan Gracia, Paco Mir and Carles Sans. On November 1, 1979, was established in Barcelona as company gesture, representing small sketches in streets and alternative spaces. Last Show "BITS" Currently Tricicle is representing his latest show BITS which premiered in Alic

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

SEBC Congress Seville

SEBC will hold its 16th Congress the lastJune days in Seville. The Spanish society for cell biology is a scientific association founded thirty years ago and which currently has more than 300 partners. A  professionals team will share from June 29th until July 1st, their knowledge and experience acquired during their professional development. The objectives of the society includes the promotion of the development of scientific biology in Spain, as well as to facilitate scientific exchange inte

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

XII Congress Spanish Society of Pain

From 28 to 31 May 2015 will be held in Seville the XII Congress of the Spanish Society of Pain and XIII Iberoamerican Meeting of Pain . The Spanish Society of Pain (SED) is a professional, multidisciplinary, non-profit association, founded in June 1990 with the intention of promoting scientific research on the mechanisms and treatment of pain, raise awareness about this problem and encourage constant improvement in the assessment and therapy of patients suffering from pain. The SED is a chap

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

De Zurbarán a Picasso in Seville

From March 12 to June 12, 2015 you can visit the exhibition De Zurbaran a Picasso in Seville, in the Convent of Santa Clara. You can tell that this will be a unique exhibition, bringing together works by artists who worked in Andalusia since the sixteenth to XXI century, and never have been shown above. De Zurbaran a Picasso in the Convent of Santa Clara A total of 28 paintings, two sculptures, one scaled model and 52 drawings will be exhibited. It will include works by such famous artists as