Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Turifoto in Seville

About 300 photographers will gather on Saturday, December 13 in Seville to capture the best shots of the city. There are three meeting points for testing, at 5 pm will begin in the Torre del Oro collection with the test, at 18:30 will be the second meeting in Plaza Nueva and the collection of the second test, and finally, the meeting point will be in the Plaza del Triunfo around 21:45 h. Participants enrolled in the photographic gymkhana may get some gifts valued at more than €6000. For Chr

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Cavalcade of the Magi 2015 in Seville

The Cavalcade of the Magi from Seville continues to advance its purpose that next January 5, 2015 everything is ready on that special day that younger look forward to all year. This year there are 13 developments of the 33 that make up the procession through the streets of the city on the evening of January 5. Also this year, the thrones of the Magi, in the previous edition were inspired three canopies of Holy Week in Seville, have become new. This time, Melchor leave the blue and red is his ch

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Merche in concert at the Teatro Lope de Vega

The singer Merche returns with his new album "I Tell You" at the Theatre Lope de Vega in Seville on January 13, 2015 with his brand new tour. Merche, undoubtedly one of the greatest talents and one of the most powerful female voices that has music in Spain, his new tour, which will cover the main Spanish cities and start right where, in the words of Merche itself, Audiences will see changes in the scene, the staging and especially in the repertoire, including all the songs from the new album an

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Abraham Mateo returns to Sevilla with Who I am

The singer Abraham Mateo returns to Sevilla with his new tour, Who I am. Following the release of his new album on November 3, start with his first concert in Barcelona, on 20 December. From there, he will travel throughout all the Spanish territory, to Valencia, Malaga, Seville ... and many more cities. During the month of November, will be in Latin America, so that all his fans that are on the other side of the Atlantic could enjoy his music. The chosen cities are Santiago, Chile and Argentin

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Enjoy Convents sweets in the Alcazar

During the bridge of the Constitution, you can enjoy the convent sweets, which will be on display from 5 to 8 December at the Real Alcázar of Seville. It will actually be the XXX edition of this cultural event held every Christmas in the Andalusian capital. In it, you can taste and buy sweets made by hand by numerous religious convents of the province of Seville. Among them, the convents that will be present, belonging to Sevilla capital are San Leandro, Santa Paula, Santa Maria de Jesus, Sant