Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Eurogin 2015

Seville will host the next EUROGIN 2015 Congress from February 4 to 7 at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Fibes. EUROGIN is all the knowledge and information on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The purpose of the meeting will be how to implement the latest developments in this field, as well as changes that may exist in the daily practices already used. EUROGIN 2015 Congress in Seville The meeting will take the title: HPV Infection and Related Cancers: Translating Research to Improved P

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Seville World's second best city for cycling

The bike lane in Seville, dating from 2006 stands as the American television network CNN as the second best city for cycling and only surpassed by the Dutch city of Utrecht. The information in question, published on the website of CNN last August 17, tries to show a strict view of the world's cities better suited for bicycles. This report discusses the case of Seville, a city that is a response to those who say that promote the use of urban bikes is too ambitious and has for decades. The info

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

International Congress of physiotherapy and pain in Seville

The College of physiotherapists of Andalusia and the Spanish society of physiotherapy and pain (SEFID) have organized the III International Congress of physiotherapy and pain which will be held in Seville, on 17 and 18 October. Physical therapy and pain in Seville Katja Weich, Jo Nijs, Elisa Carlino, among others, will attend the International Congress Complete program, registration, pricing and presentation of communications on the website of the Congress.

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Tribute to Cortázar in Seville

The House of the Province of Seville hosts from 15th September to 16th November, a tribute exhibition to Cortázar. An exhibition in tribute to Julio Cortázar, in the centenary of his birth is inaugurated. This is a varied and different exhibition project featuring Seville viewers the opportunity, first, to evoke the life of Argentine writer, through objects that have given relatives and friends for this exhibition, evoking the life and the writer's work, with the aim of merging art and lite

Seville News | Hotel Adriano

Concert tribute to Nirvana and Green Day

The next September 20th, 2014 Sala Custom of Seville is hosting a concert tribute to Nirvana and Green Day, by the bands Buzz Lovers and American Idiots. Buzz Lovers will pay tribute to Nirvana recreating its music, sound, staging and image, to the point of making us believe that we are witnessing a real concert of Nirvana. American Idiots, meanwhile, will tribute to the Californian band Green Day, where they will do a review of its greatest hits from its beginnings to its latest al