Discovering Seville
Discovering Seville One of the many details that our city offers, is certainly to give its visitors the opportunity to get lost in its narrow streets, alleys and hidden streets that give an air of colonialism, tradition and folklore. Walking along Seville we can find with surprise that not everything is monuments area, but there are neighborhoods which deserve to be classified as places of self-interest, both for its architecture, atmosphere and costumbrism. One of these neighborhoods is Santa Cruz, adjacent to the city center and few minutes walking of where are both the Cathedral, the Giralda and the Alcazar, a district rich in smells, sights and tastes, since it we can find plenty of bars, pubs and restaurants and museums, churches and squares, history and culture. The Santa Cruz comes back to life late nineteenth century, when it was decided to reorganize, modernize and prepare for the Iberoamerican Exhibition of 1929. The reason for its importance is not the point to it as a picturesque and particular the past is not as bright as it is its present, but it has remained in the memory and today offers to all those who visit it, the opportunity to encountering a fresh Seville, full of color and harmony. It is noteworthy that the neighborhood of Santa Cruz are the rest of the great painter Murillo, the Hospital of the Venerable Priests, the Church of Santa María la Blanca (being this one last a delight for the eyes as it is an exquisite church in its ornamentation and architectural finishes), the famous Plaza de Santa Cruz, which is full of restaurants offering typical Seville cuisine, bars and taverns wherein the products served are all natural, fresh and delicious. A good reason to wander through the streets of our city and be surprised by the magic that give us the neighborhoods of Seville. The Hotels in Sevilla center offer the opportunity to to be close to the most picturesque neighborhoods in the city and the most important monuments. Discover them with us.

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