Would you like to have a better understanding of the human? Then Seville will host next October 16 the EMEDT Conference 2016, Humanity and Evolutionary Leap. The venue will be the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Fibes.
At this conference, directed by David Topi and Noelia Rodriguez, will try to explain who we are, the current state in which we are and move, the process of change of consciousness in which we have, the evolution of man, how to wake up and realize the potential we have, understanding the functioning of the body, the psyche and energy.
Learn more about the human with EMEDT
The event will start at 17 h. and will last 4 hours. The EMEDT Conference (School of Metaphysics and Transpersonal Development) will be held in several Spanish cities along this year, as in Madrid, Pamplona, Seville, Zaragoza and Las Palmas.
If you want to attend this meeting, the ticket price is 15 euros, and you can only acquire it through the web of Ticketea, places are limited.
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