V Festival of the Guitar in Seville
From October 23 to November 1, there will be the V Seville Guitar Festival. The festival will offer an extensive program with concerts, masterclasses, conferences, competitions and exhibitions within the reach of everyone. Dreams of El Greco Under the name Dreams of El Greco, this festival will bring together more than 32 participants from 25 countries. All the concerts, classes, conferences, exhibitions, except the theatrical work, will be held at 20:30 in the Sala Joaquín Turina the Cent
XXV Cycle Chamber Music in Seville
On October 19 will begin the XXV Cycle of Chamber Music 2014-2015 at the Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville. As every year, the Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla during every Sunday with works of Mozart or Schubert among others. Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla A total of 8 concerts between October 19, 2014 and on May 17, 2015 that will not disappoint us. You can acquire a bond for all concerts at one more than affordable cost. Enjoy the music!
43 Congress Dermatology
Seville will host the 43 National Congress of Dermatology and Venereology from 13 to May 16, 2015. The city of Seville has been chosen for this event because of its appeal, its history, its excellent communications and infrastructure. The venue will be the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Fibes. Dermatology and Venereology Congress in Seville The conference each year attracts the most prominent companies in the dermatology sector, especially pharmaceutical and cosmetic dermatology compani
Seville receives III International Guitar Festival 2014
Seville receives the III International Guitar Festival 2014, from 1st October to 28th November. The different performances will be offered in different places of the province, due to the high demand and the wide range of possibilities to choose. These include the Province House, Ground Zero Theatre Hall, the Academy of Fine Arts in Seville, or the Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, Santiponce. As the schedule of the performances is concerned, all of them will be at 20:30 pm, except on 30th Se
Sweet Seville 2014
From 24 to 26 October, the Second Sweet Seville Edition 2014 will be held at Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Fibes. Sweet Seville is a Creative Pastry Fair, where you can also enjoy tastings, demonstrations, courses, competitions cakes, workshops for experts and beginners will be made and will learn the latest developments in products and tools or new techniques. Creative Pastry Fair in Seville 2014 The previous edition was a huge success with over 6,000 attendees, 25 exhibitors and 10