Seville will have the privilege of hosting the 1st Congress of Nightlife on May 16 and 17, 2017 in the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Fibes.
With this meeting it aims to equip the night leisure sector with professionalism, improve its image and enhance its original characteristics with innovative measures, in short, they seek the professionalism, renewal, dynamism and sustainability of the sector.
Meeting of the Nightlife in Seville
Another objective of the 1st National Congress of Nightlife is to turn Spain into the main nightlife venue on an international level. This congress will promote an active participation and networking to achieve a multidisciplinary vision of the sector.
In the National Congress of Nightlife, professionals from the sector will gather not only to present complaints and problems, but also to find ways to convince public opinion and institutions of the sector's capacity to renew themselves, take initiative and be more professional.
This appointment will be attended by national and international speakers who are tanned in different areas of nightlife, who will contribute their vision on the present and future of the sector both nationally and internationally.
If you want to visit Seville and attend the 1st National Congress of Nightlife, check our website and enjoy our promotional codes, the cheapest way to stay in Seville.
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