Flamenco is part of Andalusia, which is very clear with the Museum of flamenco dance in Seville. A must-see if you are in the city! Would you like to know more about this place? Then don't move here and see so many secrets keep this particular Museum.
The private Museum of flamenco dance in Seville
Not so long ago was inaugurated in Seville a most peculiar Museum. It turns out to be the first Museum of flamenco in the world, and this is a very characteristic dance type. On especially when you speak of the autonomous community of Andalusia! It is, therefore, an important part of the town which is a public register of all this history. Flamenco dance is a tradition of Spain and forms an important part of their own culture!
Speaking more specifically of the Museum, one can say that it has several rooms furnished to flamenco dancing. There you can enjoy inside, be part of the history of flamenco since its early days. In addition, you will see how their evolution has been and why turns out to be a very important dance. If this out soon, also will appreciate paintings exhibitions in other parts of the Museum. The same applies to sculptures, photographs and other similar exhibitions. Everything related to the flamenco of course!
The Museum of flamenco in Seville not only is limited to show pieces of art related to flamenco dancing. There also are held all kinds of different activities as related to flamenco shows. A truly unique way to soak up Andalusia and Seville culture! This always turns out to be the last activity of the day so you should see it enormously.
History of the Museum of flamenco dance in Seville
How the idea of a Museum in Seville which had as its central theme the flamenco could arise? Very simple, everything is due to the initiative of the Sevillian dancer Cristalina holes. It was she who proposed to preserve the history of flamenco dance as he was due to do! For this, an 18th-century building was taken and settled himself so that he could be irrevocable part of the cultural heritage of Seville.
H3: Basic characteristics of the Museum of flamenco dance in Seville
This museum in particular has 4 floors, where the basement becomes a characteristic element of the place. Indeed, was it made it nearly impossible to preserve the initial environment of the building!
Right on the ground floor, you can find a typical Andalusian patio ecijano style. It is of the few remaining in Seville in fact! There is where are conducted performances of flamenco or any other similar activity and with the same topic.
The flamenco Museum is located in the District of Santa Cruz in Seville. More specifically speaking, it is right on the Calle Manuel Rojas Marcos 3. Just a few steps from the Plaza of Alfalfa! You could not really miss you, do not you think?
A Museum with cutting-edge technology
One when you think of Museum really imagines something old and severely damaged by time. However, this is not what happens with these facilities, which have a high level of technology. Its interactive exhibits are able to tell the story in a different way and more didactics. Something he had seen very little in Spain! Videos, clothing samples and much more is what you will find no problem in the Museum. All shown in a very modern way!
H3: Timetables and fares of the Museum of flamenco dance in Seville
In schedules, it can be said that it opens from 9:30 until 7 o'clock. If you want to know the concrete entrance fee, well you can login directly to their official website. What I can tell, is that they occasionally have discounts and special promotions to enter. You can not miss them if you want to visit the Museum of flamenco dance in Seville!
Can visit the Museum of flamenco dance in Seville?
With all the above mentioned you can that still not you why you long enough to know the Museum of flamenco. If so, then then discover the best reason to go visit him. This reason is that there is no other equal Museum! The art and history mingle seamlessly in an environment able to teach more than one country. Is, therefore, important and necessary that you understand fully all that encompasses a characteristic dance.
For this and more, don't miss this sensational Museum if you have the chance!
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