Renfe Passport to travel around Spain
An agreement will try to bring the international tourists over to the AVE The secretary of Promotion, Ana Pastor, has been present today in Seville at the signature of the agreement that there have signed Renfe, Turespaña and the Network of Cities AVE to collaborate in the promotion of the destinations connected with trains AVE and of the new Renfe Passport to travel around Spain, called Renfe Spain Pass, a pass for not resident tourists in Spain that it allows to travel by train for the Peninsula with major flexibility and a more limited price, and with the one that tries ' to promote the tourism across the network of infrastructures of railway transport ', as has indicated the secretary.
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In his intervention, Shepherd has remembered that, every year, more than 50 million tourists of other countries visit Spain and that, only in the first four months of 2012, our country received near 14 million international tourists.
For it, one of the key elements for the development of the tourism, has indicated, is to possess a suitable network of infrastructures: airport and port, of roads and railroad workers. In this point, one has said to the paper that it recovers the AVE as ' agent of tourism ', who is reinforced from today by the signature of the mentioned agreement and the putting in march of the new Renfe Spain Pass.
The new pass offers a flexible number of trips (from 4 to 12) for a fixed price. The aim is to catch part of the wide market of international tourists that comes to the Peninsula without car, a total of 35,9 million every year.
The potential client of the Renfe Spain Pass is, therefore, the traveler of United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, The United States, Japan, China, Russia or Argentina that happens six days of average in Spain and visits the principal destinations of the network of Cities AVE: Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Seville or Malaga, between others.

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