For next year, the Tourism Consortium of Seville, Contursa and Andalusia Film Commission are jointly organizing a new event Shooting in the World. Seville and Action, a meeting to be held in November 2017 at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Fibes, and deal with the filming industry, whether movies, commercials, series etc.
Seville scene for filming movies
Seville has become an attractive scene for this industry in recent years, the filming of Game of Thrones, The Star Wars or Lawrence of Arabia, are good examples. Taking advantage of the economic and tourism impact that filming film or series give you, and in order to project internationally, is going to perform in our city Shooting in the World. Seville and Action. This event will take about 4 or 5 days, will be held annually and coinciding with the date of the European Film Festival.
Shooting in the World. Seville and action will be divided into four areas:
1.- International forum on tourism and film shootings.
2. Exhibition of new technology and innovations for the shooting.
3. Exhibition area aimed at fans of this sector.
4. A gala awards to the shootings that have better spread our city and its culture.
Tourism Consortium of Seville, Contursa and Andalusia Film Commission are joining forces to promote and get a better position on the map of filming for Seville, so take advantage of the tourist impact it generates.
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