The legend of the statue of Fame in the Royal tobacco factory. The legend of the statue of Fame in the Royal tobacco factory.

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According a legend, when the cigarreras entered in the factory, whatever they were alone or in small groups, had occasions in that the statue made sonar it trumpet that was carrying. No one knew the reason that sometimes occurred this phenomenon and others do not. It didn't matter that the Group was large or small or that were solitary cigarette cases which pass; the case is that the instrument sounded just seemingly randomly and nobody knew why.

This legend has at the same time another more modern.

Apparently, in 70-80s of the last century, a man wearing long staring at the statue of Fame, when it was approached by an old janitor of the College, who asked him the reason for so much attention.
-I'm hoping that the trumpet sounds - you answered, while students of both sexes spent constantly at his side.
The old man smiled and said - will die waiting.
-I know the legend because I it transmitted my parents, and to them, my grandparents, and so for generations-affirm the bedel-. Trumpet sounds for a reason, only one and no other: statue notes to every woman who passes under the door of the rectory and every time you pass a Virgin woman sounded the Horn of joy, and, dude, I can assure you that three hundred years that doesn't sound...


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