VII National Congress on Social Education Seville 2016



This month of April is celebrated in Seville the VII National Congress on Social Education on Fibes.

The conference is held under the slogan "A + + SOCIAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION. The profession as a driving force for social transformation. The event is organized by the Professional Association of Social Educators of Andalusia in collaboration with the General Council of Associations of Social Educators, this conference is aimed at professionals, where they can share their experiences among other things to get that citizens today is more active and participatory in social education


VII National Congress on Social Education Seville 2016

The contents will be developed in Congress are located in the following areas:

- Axis I (Re) thinking the profession, history, identity and ethics
- AXIS II. (Re) making the Social Education to promote and accompany citizenship.
- HUB III. EL (R) of the Social Education
- AXIS IV. (R) evolving social education from emotions. Feel, Think, Do: take care of yourself.


Furthermore, several issues will be discussed in different transverse axes such as: environmental education, development of the territory and the community, sontenibilidad among others.


If you are interested in attending, please contact us to book your stay.



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