XXXVI Congress SEMI and IX Congress SEXMI Seville 2015 XXXVI Congress SEMI and IX Congress SEXMI Seville 2015

XXXVI Congress SEMI and IX Congress SEXMI Seville 2015


FIBES Seville will host from 11 to 13 November 2015 the XXXVI Congress national of the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI) and the IX Congress of the Extremaduran society of internal medicine (SEXMI).


Both the Spanish society of internal medicine and the Extremaduran society of internal medicine first held its Congress in the city of Seville. It will be three days of debate and encounter between professionals in the field of internal medicine.


The SEMI Congress and the SEXMI Congress program


This new edition has an extensive scientific program which conforms in different activities:



-Round tables


-Business meetings

-Oral presentations

-Poster sessions

-Discussion of clinical cases

-Tables of debates

-Meetings with experts


-Business lunches


The objectives of the meeting focuses mainly on the discussion and sharing of experiences the internists, in addition to the exhibition of new techniques, training and updating of professionals coming from the most prestigious hospitals in the country.


It will also fail the photography award of the Dr. Juan Carlos Bureo which this year has the theme "ageing".


You can not miss the appointment. Reserve with us and you will have a discount using code TOVhMZhb22




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