Amphitrion in Seville
The Palace of the Marquises of la Algaba in Seville will host from June 3 to August 2 the play Amphitrion.
The company La Imperdible brings to Sevilla this play based on the text of the classical author Plautus. Directed by José María Roca, the plot of the play tells the messes and tangles between gods and men, confronted by a woman. A classic comedic to the Sevillian style that will amuse the audience at all times.
The protagonists of the play are Alex Peña (Amphitrion), Belen Lario (Alcmene, wife of Amphitrion), Joserra Leza (the god Jupiter), Javier Castro (the god Mercury, son of Jupiter), Juanfra Juárez (Sosias slave of Amphitrion) and David Ruiz (the god Apollo).
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