Trains AVE Girona Seville
From January, Renfe offers a new service of AVE between Girona Seville provinces across a link in Madrid or Barcelona by HIGH SPEED TRAIN
The initial offer is nine daily connections, four with origin in the Sevillian capital and five with departure from Figueres-Vilafant. The time of trip between Girona and Seville is 6 hours and 30 minutes, using fifteen more minutes up to Figueres.
Besides the connection, RENFE offers tickets integrated from other Andalusian cities as Malaga, Cadiz or Cordoba.
The AVE comes to Girona and Figueres as extension of the service AVE (HIGH SPEED TRAIN) Madrid - Barcelona and shares the same services and the whole rest of own attributes of the AVE (High speed train line). Likewise, there is applied the system of prices and offers by discounts of up to 70 %.
If you are looking for hotels close to the Train Station, get the best prices.

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