AVE Madrid Seville
AVE Madrid Seville Following the reduction in rates of tickets of AVE , has soared sale increasing by 56% in the first hours of operation, rising in 99-100 % the number of visits to your website and shopping portal online . Among the discounts applied by this company are, for example the reduction of 11% in the general ticket , tourist class also can acquire discounts up to 70 % on advance sale and depending on demand . Other initiatives, like the Bird of ten trips Bono saving up to 35% , Young card with reductions of 30 % , and remains the discount already applied to seniors and children under 13 years 40% . Renfe intended by these measures provide greater accessibility and increase the number of seats sold , since the number of travelers on long-distance AVE was diminished in 2012 compared to the previous year by 1.8 % . If looking for accommodation in Seville , see our offers.

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