Casa de Pilatos in Seville
From 18 September to 9 November in Seville, you can visit at Casa de Pilatos, an exhibition with featuring the most colorful costumes who have been starring in the television series "Isabel".
In the exhibition "Isabella and her time" with gowns and accessories appearing on the television series, you can see valuable documents submitted by the file of the Casa of Medinaceli. Most are letters and manuscripts of Ferdinand and Isabella to the Duke, but can also be bulls of the time, population requests and other texts of historical interest.
The House of Pilate is the best scenario that could have an exhibition like this, and there are many links between the building of the House of Medinaceli with the period of these monarchs: the House of Pilate construction began during the reign Elizabeth I and the first founder of this house was Pedro Enriquez, uncle of King Ferdinand.
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