Renowned and beloved singer El Barrio come back to Seville in January 2015. The day chosen for this so anticipated musical event is 23th and will be held as has been for years, in the Palacio Municipal de Deportes San Pablo.
It will be one of the first actions of the new "Son of Levante Tour". The chosen hour is 22:00, and in terms of ticket sales, have a cost between 33 € and 165 €.
El Barrio and his history
José Luis Figuereo Franco, that is the true name of El Barrio, released his first album in the mid-nineties. Now he is on his eleventh album after a time of retire for personal reasons. Besides singer, El Barrio is a guitarist, producer, songwriter, musician, arranger, so has become one of the most versatile artists of the current music scene. Worth to attend one of his concerts.
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