Guitar Festival in Seville
Guitar Festival in SevilleFrom 23 October to 1 November 2014 took place on V Guitar Festival Dream the Greco Seville in several areas of the city such as the Auditorium CICUS, Cajasol Foundation and the Santa Clara area. Its programming will find the International Competition, Concerts, Conferences, Workshops Flamenco / Jazz Lectures.


AUDITORIUM of CICUS C / Madre de Dios Joaquin Turina ROOM C / Laraña 4 CAJASOL Plaza de San Francisco 1 SANTA CLARA Street Fellowship s / n   - MASTER CLASSES (Convento de Santa Clara ICAS): SHIN-ICHI FUKUDA (Japan) MARGARITA ESCARPA (Spain) LORENZO MICHELI (Italy) MARCO Tamayo (Cuba) GIAMPAOLO BANDINI (Italy) - FLAMENCO WORKSHOPS / JAZZ (CICUS Auditorium) GERARDO NUNEZ (Spain) ISRAEL SANDOVAL (Spain) - CONCERTS: (Sala Joaquín Turina Cajasol) October 24 CONCERT 1: Shin-ichi Fukuda Kostas Tosidis October 25 CONCERT 2: Margarita Escarpment Bandini-Chiacchiaretta & Cerrato brothers October 28 CONCERT 3: Thibaut Garcia Sharpe-Zohn Duo October 29 CONCERT 4: Dream the Greco José M. Sánchez-Verdú, F. Imbert Royds, Eduardo Martinez & Zahir Ensemble October 30 CONCERT 5: Gerardo Núñez Israel Sandoval October 31 CONCERT 6: Lorenzo Micheli Marco Tamayo November 1st CONCERT 7: Gala Concert of Finalists of the 5th International Guitar Competition in Seville   HEADQUARTERS: Sala Joaquín Turina and Central Theatre. TIME: 20:30   - CONFERENCE (CICUS Auditorium): Oct. 23 José María Sánchez-Verdú (Spain): Dream the Greco. Introducing the new work. October 27 Roundtable: El Greco at the Movies. Screening of two films of Russian director Alexander Sokourov. October 28 Alexei Jankowski: Le petit rouge tram - documentary. John Griffiths: Intimate Vihuela - Conference concert. Presentation CD in Contrasts Records label. October 29-31 Gustavo Pita (Cuba): COURSE The importance of the problem of culture in the current situation, prospects -History of the development of the idea of ??culture 'The material culture 'The artistic culture 'The spiritual culture PHASES OF INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION (Sala Joaquín Turina Cajasol): October 29: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ELIMINATORY CONTEST October 30: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. PHASE QUALIFYING COMPETITION October 31: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. CONTEST SEMI-FINAL PHASE November 1: 11h-14h FINAL PHASE OF COMPETITION

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