The Palace of the Duchess of Alba in Seville
The Palace of the Duchess of Alba in Seville was his favorite among the many properties possessed by all Spanish geography. His name is Palacio de las Duenas, and should this name to the famous monastery of Santa María de las Dueñas. It was built between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it was the residence of the Pineda family, and also the house where the great writer and poet Antonio Machado was born Seville. It became part of the legacy of the House of Alba in 1612, and so to this d

Ismael Serrano visits Seville in February 2015
The great singer-songwriter Ismael Serrano comes to Seville in February 2015. More specifically, the date chosen for its appearance in the capital is on the 13th of that month, and will take place in the New Auditorium of the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions (Fibes ). He comes to present their ninth album, is titled "The Call," whose single has been a resounding success in social networking and music pages both nationally and internationally. In fact, he has had the pleasure of having in so

Shark Night in Seville
A group of children and adults sleep for the first time at the Aquarium accompanying sharks. For the first time since the Aquarium opened Sevilla, animals that inhabit the Oceanarium, accompanied fallen asleep. Last Friday was released in the aquarium 'Shark Night', one of the most iconic activities Aquarium Sevilla. 'Night with sharks' is an activity that offers the public the opportunity to learn about as impressive fish such as sharks, by proximity and pre-night activity. A unique opportuni

Young Expo returns to Seville this December
The big event Young Expo returns to Sevilla this December. The dates on which we can attend and enjoy it will be from the 19th of next month and until 4 January 2015. As in previous years, will be held at the Convention Centre and Exhibition City (Fibes ). It's a big party in the middle of Christmas, when all the children are already immersed in their holidays, and may enjoy some leisure time with their families and friends. Among the attractions that can be found there will be bouncy castles,

Gymkhana of Photos Christmas Sevilla 2014
On 13 December, the Gymkhana of Photos Christmas Sevilla 2014 is celebrated in this year 2014. Around about 250 photographers will tour the streets of the Andalusian capital to try to capture with their cameras the most emblematic places, and our Christmas traditions. In this cultural event, is named "Turifoto" and distributes 4000 awards, the most important being an SLR. Registrations were made available to all the fans and supporters last 17th December. Enjoy the Gymkhana Those who want t