Inspiring Day in Seville
INSPIRING DAY Industry and Factory of the Future is a forum featuring experts from different fields discussed , each from a different perspective, the challenge of the " Industry and Factory of the Future " in our society , especially in the aeronautical sector.
Our accommodation in the center of Seville offers discounts to those attending this event.
The main objective of the forum is to promote and visualize future scenarios and diversification opportunities for companies so that they can create new businesses and activities in which technological development is key.
The " Industry and Factory of the Future " forum is a must for all those wishing to discover new markets , new development opportunities with international projection, learn about the latest trends and technological needs in society and in the current and future industry event, mainly in the aviation sector.
Industry and Factory of the Future
INSPIRING DAY Industry and Factory of the Future is a forum featuring experts from different fields discussed , each from a different perspective, the challenge of the " Industry and Factory of the Future " in our society , especially in the aeronautical sector.
The main objective of the forum is to promote and visualize future scenarios and diversification opportunities for companies so that they can create new businesses and activities in which technological development is key.
Location: Hall of Aerópolis - Aeronautical Technological Park of Andalusia in Seville
Hours: 9:30 to 14:30 h 12 December 2013
Duration: 5 hours
Organizer: Tecnalia

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