Isla Magica in Seville
Isla Magica in Seville On Friday, March 1st, started with the distribution of the new season passes for the theme park Isla Magica in Seville via the Internet. This year the park will much cheaper passes through the introductory offer. The desire to relaunch the product Isla Mágica make individuals or families who acquire before Sunday 14 can enjoy many benefits, including free entry will attend Port Aventura. Will also facilitate payment, in installments without any interest. The rates will differ as new pass, renovation or people who take more than three seasons renewing . The season will begin on Saturday March 30, 2013 , in the same park we can purchase the above passes , the box office will be open from 12:00 h to 19:30 h. Pases sales booth in Isla Mágica (from Monday March 11th) and online at If want to visit Isla Magica and you are looking for  accommodation, book your hotel in the center of Seville.

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