The stupid lady in Seville
The Space Santa Clara will host The stupid lady in Seville from 12 to 14 September. This is a play written by Lope de Vega and versioned by Laila Ripol.
This play was written in 1613 and comes to Seville to be represented by the company Micomicón. It is without any doubt one of the best comedies of the called “Century of Gold”. Its success was so great that since 1946 is being versioned all over Spain.
As the play has few actors, the main character has to interpret different characters, both male and female, which also directly affects to the actresses. Marcos Leon, Teresa Espejo, Ana Varela or Mariano Llorente are some of the protagonists of this work who will ensure the laughs and good humor among the audience for 105 minutes.
Enjoy The stupid lady from 12 to 14 September at the Space Santa Clara, in Becas St s/n, at 9:30 pm. Get your ticket for 20 euros in
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