The Seville Levíes. Roots of Sepharad
The Seville Levíes. Roots of Sepharad is a new event promoted with the aim of exploiting all the richness and cultural heritage existing in Seville (Andalusian capital in this area, as Seville has one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world and a pioneer in Spain, where it peaked at over thousand Jews in the fourteenth century.
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The Sephardic Route Project aims to enhance cultural tourism stream quality based on this legacy in Seville to attract the world's Jewish population, which currently ranges between 12 and 15 million, most resident in the United States and Israel. It also aims to link Seville with the rest of the world as "key destination in the encounter with Jewish roots," promoting "the Seville of the three cultures, tolerance and respect of progress, coexistence and exchange, a meeting point for peoples of the Mediterranean ".
Also, it will promote for a tour of the significant points in the Jewish quarter of Seville, which included the present districts of Santa Cruz, Santa Maria la Blanca and San Bartolomé and the milestones of its history, gastronomy, music, heritage and anthropology , which forms an attractive proposal that aims to attract tourists Jew.
Seville City Council recently approved to join the Network of Jewish Quarters in Spain 'Sefarad', a public non-profit organization created in 1995 which aims to defend the architectural, historical and cultural legacy of the Sephardic Jews in Spain, developing cultural and tourism projects, sharing experiences and planning national and international cultural policies chords.
This association, which recently joined Sevilla, already belong twenty cities in Spain such as Barcelona, Ávila, Segovia, Toledo, Cordoba, Jaen, Leon, Besalú, Caceres, Calahorra, Estella-Lizarra, Girona, Hervas, Monforte de Lemos, Oviedo, Palma, Plasencia, Ribadavia, Tarazona, Tortosa and Tudela.
These, under the name of 'Rango', present an ambitious project based on the excellence of tourism products and services offered by the Jewish integrated in the network, based on the development of restaurants with the possibility of offering food and atmosphere Sephardic style, of accommodation available in the Jewish quarters, additional signage or common element in signaling Jewish neighborhoods and the implementation of tourist guides with specific training in this culture.
According to the documentation provided from the Consortium of Tourism, states that the Jews must have felt attracted by the "big city" who gave his name to all Hispania, with considerable influence at the time of the Visigoths. Also, remember that Seville was the largest city in Spain, "the intellectual capital of the kingdom, the center of Catholicism, the inspiration of the Councils of Toledo and the political capital from Atanagildo Theudis up."
Based on this, the Consortium is developing the product "The Seville Levíes: The Roots of Sepharad ', indicating that the Sephardim are the descendants of Jews expelled from Spain in 1492, and as such, retain its own identity within Judaism.
Finally, remember that Seville hosted an important Jewish colony that was already firmly in Visigothic times. Thus, had moments of brilliance especially when, destroyed the Caliphate of Córdoba many prominent families chose it as a refuge and new cabin in the early eleventh century.

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