More than one reason to visit Seville
Everyone knows nowadays that to travel to a certain point there must be some reason, either in the interest to know, attend an event, rest or perhaps to reunite with friends and family.
Well, in Sevilla, we are plenty of reasons for you to visit us, because not only have the Easter holiday, the Fair each year, flamenco or bullfighting, the Andalusian capital has more for you and your family.
In Seville you can find throughout the year, important national and international conferences such as the upcoming Aerospace Congress to be held next year, fairs and exhibitions of all kinds of interest as it is SICAB, art and culture as the Antique Music Festival Joaquín Turina , shows, concerts and events planned between them NOCTURAMA or 21 degrees, plus water parks, thematic and attraction parks, monuments such as the Alcazar, the Cathedral, the Giralda, history which is in the Archives of Indies and not least, modern and contemporary fashion, as is SIMOF, we Love Flamenco or fashion shows of prominent and different designers who have chosen to Seville as their workplace and outreach to the rest of the world.
Sevilla has a network and rail infrastructure of first level, with this the cities that are within a few miles away are reachable in a short time, so we can say that our city has also in some way beaches as the nearest one that is just 50 minutes away. Airlines that operate year-round at our airport, connecting the capital city with the most important national airports and European, the river which crosses the city is the only one in Spain, which receives large cruise ships in the harbor, located a few minutes from the city center.
That's why we say without a doubt, Seville has more of one reason to be visited, known and enjoyed by all types of visitors, and also for all ages.
In the hotels in the center of Seville you find the best deals and promotions throughout the year.

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