Rosendo returns to Seville

Rosendo returns to SevilleIn 2015 Rosendo returns to Seville again to delight us with his latest album Vergüenza Torera. The venue for the concert will be the Lope de Vega Theater.

After three years since his last work and visiting several Spanish cities on his tour Mentira me parece, Rosendo reaches the city of Seville to introduce Vergüenza Torera, a reflection of the mood of society today.

Mentira me parece Tour of Rosendo

This rock guitarist retains its ironic and committed style in his songs. Rosendo is a complete artist: guitarist, singer and composer, and is considered one of the most important representatives of Spanish Rock.

The show will start at 20:30 at the Lope de Vega Theater in Seville on 17 March. The ticket prices range between 14 and 30 euros. You can purchase a ticket through

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