The VIII Congress of the Andalusian Society of Contraception, SAC, will take place in Seville on 20th and 21st March 2015.
It will be two intense days where will be held symposia, information tables, posters sessions... At one of the tables, the President of the Andalusian society of contraception, Mercedes Martínez Benavides, will show and communicated detailed data of the survey on the use of contraceptive methods referred to Andalusia. The survey shows the most used contraceptive methods, the onset of sexual intercourse, the risk of unwanted pregnancy... These data will serve as support and reference to many of the issues will be addressed in this Congress.
A very new Congress
Don't forget that already is available the official App of Congress so you can have in your mobile all the information which you need with only make a click. You can download it on your Smartphone or Iphone device. The QR code is as easy as scanning or search VIII Congress SAC both App Store and Play Store.
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